Music 让我更精彩!
It seems that I've been bitten (badly) by the music bug in the past few weeks, thus the entry title. I've been singing along with most of the tracks playing on my PC, ranging from pop songs to soft rock, from English chart toppers to the new releases of Mandopop. Without doubt, I'm addicited to music.
Tracks from 石康军 Jones' debut album '火光 FireLight' are my favourite picks currently. I'm supporting my (CCHMS) senior.
Here's a little something to express how I feel (at this moment):
我承认我已为音乐上隐了。我必须服用解药! 但我能确定我对音乐的热爱与热情是永远变不了、永不会变质的。漂浮在音乐中的我仿佛能穿越时空, 穿梭到陌生的年代, 有如在爱中飞行似的。 我相信我能将在音乐道路上找到属于我的火光。黑夜过后, 我就能看清那道曙光!
假如你认为这世界是冷酷无情的, 而你的心在低温中一天一点的冷冻, 甚至使你麻痹, 请你抬起头, 俯视这世界。你就会发现这充满音乐的世界是那么美丽的! It's such a Beautiful World with music around!
PS: 别在我背后冷嘲热讽, 因为我还没疯!
Whenever I'm feeling low, Jones' 'Beautiful World' will naturally come to my mind. It shows an optimistic side of life, and makes me think positive! You should try it too, after listening the song of course! It really helps, trust me.