Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Am I...Psychic?

It's so weird. Imagine that you want something and you have been thinking about it for a short while, like say, for a week. Eventually, you get what you want after that week without expecting so.

There's a few incidences that I would like to watch a movie that is no longer filmed in cinemas. I keep thinking about them for a week or so. After that one week or so, I found out that a local channel will televise that movie in a week's time.

Recently, at the beggining of this June holidays, I wanted to learn how to play 'Hu Huan', the theme song of Da Chang Jin (Jewel in the Palace) on my guitar as the song is pleasant to listen to. It happened that during my 1st guitar practice, the guitar instructor handed us the score of 'Hu Huan' first thing at the practice.

Are these conincidences or am I slightly psychic? I have yet to find out.


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