Thursday, December 01, 2005

Maximised Usage (Or Wastage) of Holidays

The GCE 'O' Levels ended on the 18th of November. The week of 20th to 26th Nov had been spent preparing for Prom Nite and the PAE. I attended the 4 LY class chalet barbeque on the 21st as well. Prom Nite was on the 28th. Prom was... Pure Entertainment... Well, at least I enjoyed myself.

December arrived. There's only a month left of the holidays. I don't have much in mind for my plans for the remaining 1 month besides my Holiday Intensive Guitar Lessons starting on the 5th.

The birthdays of Eunice, Madeline and Lin Hui are arriving soon. I havn't prepared them presents! The KHS 5/3' 2000 class gathering chalet will be arriving soon. Christmas is also around the corner. My bank book may need to suffer for the expenses for this festive season.

I can't imagine my expenses for the month of November and December. 4 LY class chalet, Prom Nite ticket, clothes, accessories, makeup and hairstyling for Prom Nite, a new digital camera, presents for the respective events, guitar lessons, a guitar, 5/3' 2000 class gathering chalet... The list goes on.

My bank book is bleeding (and so is my heart) ! Can you feel the pain?!?


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